CDEV Announces Launch of Sale Process for Ridley Terminals Inc.

Nov 5, 2018 | Announcements

At the request of the Government of Canada, today the Canada Development Investment Corporation (CDEV) is launching a competitive sale process that is intended to lead to an agreement with a buyer for 90% of the shares of Ridley Terminals Inc., a federal Crown corporation. The remaining 10% of the shares would be transferred to the Lax Kw’alaams Band and the Metlakatla First Nation at the close of the sale. This sale process is occurring following engagement and consultation with six First Nations in the area.

Established in 1983, Ridley Terminals Inc. operates on Ridley Island in Prince Rupert, British Columbia, where it transfers bulk commodities from rail cars onto ocean-going vessels. The primary commodities shipped through the terminal are coal and petroleum coke.

The sale process will be conducted on an open and competitive basis with the objective of obtaining best value from a buyer who will operate Ridley Terminals on a long-term sustainable basis and with open access.

Parties interested in participating in the sale process should contact CDEV’s financial advisor, Macquarie Capital Markets Canada, at for further information.