
Responsible, Ethical & Diverse Financial Services


To maintain the highest standards of ethics and accountability, CDEV publishes its annual reports and expenses.


CDEV’s Diversity & Inclusion principles are an essential part of our business strategy that reflect our vision of building an organization that attracts and leverages diversity in our staff and strives for respect and inclusion in our workforce.

Access to Information

The Access to Information Act gives every Canadian citizen, permanent resident, individual or corporation present in Canada the right to request access to records that are under the control of Federal Government institutions regardless of their format.

The purpose of the Privacy Act is to protect the privacy of individuals with respect to their personal information and, so, governs the Federal Government’s collection, retention, use and disclosure of that information. It also provides individuals (including those in Canada who are not permanent residents or citizens) with a right of access to their personal information.

Each request submitted under the Access to Information Act must specify which of the following companies the request is to: Canada Development Investment Corporation, Canada Eldor Inc., Canada TMP Finance Ltd., Canada Enterprise Emergency Funding Corporation, Canada Growth Fund Inc. or Canada Hibernia Holding Corporation and be accompanied by a $5 application fee (cheque or money order) payable to the company concerned.

There are no fees associated with submitting a request under the Privacy Act.


As a federal Crown corporation responsible for representing and protecting Canadian interests, CDEV is committed to ensuring a safe, dignified and welcoming environment for everyone. By limiting barriers to access, both through employment and in our services, we aspire to the highest accountability and transparency standards. As such, we duly comply with applicable legislation.